September 18, 2015

CORRECTIONS HOUSE: “White Man’s Gonna Lose” From Impending New Studio Offering Now Playing At Revolver; Know How To Carry A Whip Preorders Available

Know How To Carry A Whip is the imminent new studio endeavor from industrialized volume abusers, CORRECTIONS HOUSE. A nine-track, forty-five-minute exercise is sonic indecency, the record was captured by the band’s own Sanford Parker (Buried At Sea) alongside recently institutionalized minister of propaganda, Seward Fairbury, in a subterranean bunker complex in Vietnam.

Deeper, darker, and far more fluid than 2013’s critically lauded Last City Zero debut, Know How To Carry A Whip is unapologetic in its audio trauma. Featuring a guest appearance by Negative Soldier, the record finds CORRECTIONS HOUSE -- Parker, Fairbury, Scott Kelly (Neurosis), Bruce Lamont (Yakuza) and Mike IX Williams (Eyehategod) -- at their most arduous. Immersed in experiences of longing and loneliness from the depths of their collectively putrefying hearts, each movement contained within Know How To Carry A Whip discloses a new, disconcerting air of danger, paranoia and looming defeat marked by an inexplicable sense of catharsis

Suffocating yet stimulating, oft static sodden, discordant and tribal, all twined around Williams’ unassailable manic street preacher verses and intermittently juxtaposed by the smooth, cradling sounds of Lamont’s lingering saxophone, Know How To Carry A Whip remains rhythmic and hypnotic throughout, with grooves that dominate and penetrate.

In advance of its release, today Revolver undrapes the impulsive deviance and decadence of third movement, “White Man’s Gonna Lose,” now streaming at THIS LOCATION.

CORRECTIONS HOUSE methodically creates and destroys through audio infection and transcendent musical deconstruction. All things in all ways. There is nothing else. Know How To Carry A Whip will be released worldwide on October 23rd, 2015 via Neurot Recordings. Preorders for CD, LP, Digital & T-Shirt bundles are available at the Neurot Webstore